Quantitative Studies

Our core business at CDA !
Quantitative studies account for 90% of our activity.
These are studies carried out: :
  • either on a “ representative national sample ” to quantify behaviors or opinions
  • or on a “ reasoned sample ” to test and measure new offers or new concepts, products, services, etc.
The  recruitment  is done:
  • either by the quota method
  • or by the random method

“Ad’Hoc” Studies

These studies point to precise and specific targets that meet a specific need of a client.

“Barometric” or “Panels” Studies

Repetitive studies to follow developments, trends and history.
  • Barometric: Constant and repetitive sample over time on interviewees who are constantly renewed.
  • Panels : Constant sample on the same selected individuals.

Information gathering methods

CDA offers several methods of collecting information for the realization of your B to B and B to C studies:
  • "Face to Face"
  • On the phone
  • On Line

The questionnaire is administered :

  • At home:
    Studies necessary when there is material to show, behavior logs, products to drop off or particularly long questionnaires and / or requiring a “store check”.
    Recruitment:  random, random or on quotas.
    Format: paper (PAPI) or on PC / Tablets (CAPI, CAWI).
  • On site :
    Studies mainly dedicated to tests, pre-tests or post-tests.
    Recruitment:  direct in the street or on pre-recruitment.
    Format: paper (PAPI) or on PC / Tablets (CAPI, CAWI).
  • In public places:
    Shopping centers, transport, street…
    Targeted questionnaire, generally of short duration.
    Recruitment:  random or on quotas.
    Format:  self-administered on paper (PAPI) or smartphone (CAPI, CAWI).

Studies carried out in partnership with a call center in Paris equipped with efficient telephony software, databases and monitoring.
Recruitment:  on file or random (Database).
Format:  CATI, CAWI.

Recruitment of Internet users in shopping centers, stations, air terminals… for On Line questioning.

Creation and sending of self-administered questionnaires On Line  to interviewees entering customer databases or access panel.

Recruitment and maintenance of On Line panels.

Independent and generalist Market Research Company established in 1978.

We work with the general public as well as specific targets and carry out “tailor-made” studies carried out with Method, Mastery and Proficiency.

Independent and generalist Market Research Society established in 1978.

We work with the general public as well as specific targets and carry out “tailor-made” studies carried out with Method, Mastery and Competence.